Thursday, 28 February 2013

16mm film project - Fever Dreams

There's an old myth that indigenous people and tribes thought that cameras captured a piece of your soul when your photograph was taken. What happens to that piece when it's in the camera? What does it do? Can it escape?

A light comes on, revealing a person standing before us.

The light sweeps around the person,

coming to rest at the feet of the person.

The person becomes conscious and looks around.
The person then walks off frame, only to return on the other side.

The person turns away, raising their hands to explore the dark surface behind them.
They push it away and we fly backwards away from the person, making them blurry.


The person stretches out their arms as if just waking up.
The void gets lighter as their arms get higher

The person notices the increasing brightness of the void behind them.

The person suddenly drops their arms and with that motion, the lights cut out.

The persons glowing hand emerges from the darkness.
The person raises their hand and explores it's movements.

The person touches their face with their glowing hand, leaving the face also glowing.
The person proceeds to paint their body with their glowing hand

The person reaches through the darkness covering them and tears it away.

The person now glowing completely begins raising their arms

As light grows, the person relaxes

With arms fully raised, the person is lost in the light of the void

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