Thursday 9 February 2012

Post modernism - All surface

Scratching the Surface - Alexandre Farto

Since the start of post modernism, surface and texture is just as, if not more important, than meaning. Pollocks splatter paintings for example are all about the look of fractals and the texture of paint. It's all about ideas and their interpretation between people.
This idea of all surface and no depth saturated society as a whole. I mean plastic surgery, las vegas, advertising and fashion are all post-modern in nature.

I've become bored of all this surface. I'm tired of fake. It's corrupted our minds so we think we should look post-modern and plastic ourselves when we're supposed to look hand made and crafted. we live in a world were the film face/off (1997) is more like a documentary than a thriller.

So what comes after post-modernism? A revert to the hand crafter and unique? unlikely. Maybe a push for community or an anonymous revolt.
I'm betting on the screen revolution, ultra-modernism. Everything is surface and flat when the screen shapes the world.
Minority report - 2002

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