Wednesday 8 February 2012

Project 23 - Test shots

(uploading at time of post, video may not show)

test shots with canon 550d + magic lantern
lenses: 50mm f1.8 (the plastic fantastic), 28-135 f3.5-5.6 IS USM
PremierPro CS5.5 and AfterEffects CS5.5

Test shot list:
Tripod as crane shot
Tripod as sweep shot (very shaky)
On shoulder pan left (needs work)
On shoulder pan right
Digital lens flare coming into shot
Digital lens flare moving through frame
In camera lens flare combined with Digital flare + more complex move
Tripod as crane - lean in + digital flare
+Basic colour grading on all shots (small variations between shots)

Script outline:

8 year old girl sits at a table colouring. She sits back in the chair, looks straight at camera and says “I can be whatever I want to be... but what do I want to be?”. She leans back in and continues to colour in.

ALT – “When I grow up, I want to be famous! I'm gunna be a famous singer on xfactor. Just you wait and see”

12 year old girl sat watching kids TV alone. She turns to the camera “I could be famous one day. I could be on TV or in Films or anything. Just look at all the pretty girls, [points at TV] I could be one of those one day.” She turns back to the TV and changes channel. “I wont be though now will I... I'm not pretty enough” [crosses arms and brings up legs]

ALT – “these girls have no talent. I can sing (dance/act) better than them[!] they're only on here because they're skinny and cute...”

16 year old girl reading a magazine (ok, hello or similar). “I want all these clothes! not that I could ever afford half of them... [page turn] I like these shorts, they'd make my legs look so long. They're a bit short though, got to be careful in these” [gives a glance and a grin at the camera]

ALT – “ugly, ugly, gross, nasty, ooh thats nice, nope, ugh.... oh whats the point, I'll never fit into any of these clothes anyway” – notable irony in that

18-20 year old woman walks in to a house looking a bit of a state. Stumbles to her bedroom and falls onto her bed. Still for a moment. Slurs, “what a good night. Got LOTS of attention if you know what I mean.” she rolls over and reaches for a glass that isn't there. “A few went too far but I sorted them out”

ALT – “I'm sick of guys staring at me like I'm a piece of meat. I just want a good night out but all I get is creepy guys groping me while I dance...”

25 year old woman sat watching TV on a sofa. “I'm sick and tired of seeing all these girls wasting their life on all these futile endeavours. Trying to get guys in these awful ways in these horrible places. I just don't understand how it got this way. How did it get this bad? What happened to everybody?”

ALT – “why do these girls think it's ok to be like this? When did it all go so wrong? Can't they understand that it doesn't have to be like this?”


  1. Looking through your outline there isn't a part for a 19 year old dashing young man like myself, but I liked the video of the couple on the Sofa you showed. If u need someone to do something like that ill be down like a spoilt brats frown who didn't get a gown and ride around town to do that.

    1. Love the rhyme Kemar :D I'll keep you in mind on future projects. I still need more female actors though...
